On this page you will find upcoming events at Le Trabendo (Paris, France). This venue can host up to 700 people . Choose below the event that you are interested in and find out all about it: date, artists, prices or ticket sales websites. Currently we have 61 upcoming events at Le Trabendo in our database with artists such as Makoto San, Alessandro Cortini, EarthGang, Stick To Your Guns, Silent Planet.
If you are interested in Le Trabendo's social media, here are Le Trabendo's Facebook page, Le Trabendo's Twitter account, Le Trabendo's Instagram, and Le Trabendo's official website. You will be able to find posts, photos and videos published by Le Trabendo.
We have 61 Le Trabendo upcoming events in our database, here are some upcoming artists: Makoto San, Alessandro Cortini, EarthGang, Stick To Your Guns, Silent Planet, Jeune Mort, Maribou State, High Vis, Ojos, DeWolff, Destroy Boys, CMAT, Ray Dalton, Circa Waves, Blanco White, Set It Off, Touché Amoré, Headie One, Marc Scibilia, Green Lung, Unto Others, Honne, Jeshi, Myss Keta, Silverstein, Thursday, God Is An Astronaut, Faux Real, This Will Destroy You, Natalie Jane, The Undertones and Dirkschneider.